Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bold Fashion Changes--That Damned New Costume!!

I think that I've finally put my finger on why I so dislike the new costume for modern-day Superman.

And it comes courtesy of this week's Swamp Thing #1.

Now, since the first two pages of the comic are entirely Clark Kent at the Daily Planet, it's not much of a spoiler that Superman turns up in this story. If I've somehow ruined the comic for you, sorry. Don't worry, there's nothing in the following scans that actually spoil any of the story.

And let's note that I'm not particularly picking on Yanick Paquette here, because the design he has to work with, is, well...let's look at how our first full non-Jim Lee drawings of the super-suit goes:

Yow! First thought: DAMN, that "S" is big. I mean, it covers his whole chest!! I mean, it's huge to Liefeldian levels!! It makes me think, "Ego much, Man Of Steel?" It's like Donald Trump were designing a Superman costume for himself...

Secondly, we can debate losing the "underwear" all day. But the old costume, with the yellow belt and red tights, nicely complemented the same color combo in the S symbol. Now, there's no such complement. We've got a red belt, which seems to serve no purpose (remember, this is supposedly battle armor!) and exists only because someone suddenly noticed, "Hey, if we get rid of the tights, it's just one big unbroken expanse of blue!! That would look awful! Quick, throw on a belt or something!!"

Next, note the back of his cape:

Gone is the all-yellow S symbol (or occasionally red & yellow)--now it's just a black outline on the red cape. And no, it's not a coloring error--the same thing is seen in this week's Action #1.

But the reason why I really hate the costume? Check out these next two panels, from facing pages. First is Kal-El landing. Note how you can't see the belt, and the neckline and where the cape attaches are obscured:
See, doesn't look as bad that way.

Next page, at rest--you can see everything in full glory:

Is it just me, but the belt, and the high collar, and the cape attaching on the chest...doesn't that look very military, something dress uniform, vaguely European..?

That's it--that's it!! Superman's new costume makes him look like that doofus Sonar:

Anything that makes you look like Sonar cannot be a good costume change...

But seriously, that's what's been nagging at me--the new costume is much too military, too formal looking, too...stuffy, I guess. He looks like a cop instead of a super-hero. It just seems to make Superman even more remote. Which may have been part of the point, I guess..

And, just to repeat...
...that S is FREAKIN' HUGE!!!!


Siskoid said...

I soooo agree! I love Paquette's work generally and I certainly love it in this issue. The only thing that doesn't work is Superman. Huge ass shield looks awkward. The sectioned armor lines tend to look like popping veins. The belt is a big Ouija board pointer towards Little Superman. The collar is fascistic (very Elseworlds). And the sleeves and boots are a nightmare.

Like most of the redesigns (and almost all of Jim Lee's), they've gone away from the simple, iconic, even kids can draw them, looks. Not good.

Scott said...

Well, I don't mind the giant shield so much. I don't mind the belt-without-underwear look. But I hate the collar, I hate the armor look, I hate the boots, I despise the sleeves.

Paquette is a fantastic artist -- if he can't make the suit look good, no one else is going to manage it either.

The costumes are so bad, I'm starting to wonder if the Reboot was planned as a New Coke scheme -- produce comics where your bankable heroes look like crap, so when you bring back the classic looks, everyone will proclaim them the Second Coming...

ShadowWing Tronix said...

If the belt is where the armor is stored (like Flash's ring), then I could understand it. How would you hide armor under his Kent clothes as easily as his costume? Otherwise, it really doesn't help, and I didn't even think of a military angle until you mentioned it. Then again, what would a scientist need with battle armor?

Stephen said... I hate it. I am dreading my new DC stuff that is on its way in the mail right now.

I liked losing the "underpants on the outside." The chest shield is too big. I liked the collar -- at first -- when I thought it would be just turtle neckish. But with that collar divide and the piping he comes across as Justice Lord Superman, Hauptmann Kryptonplanete, or Robert Preston in the Music Man.

While those all have their place...this is not it.

snell said...


Stephen: Superman as the Music Elseworlds idea ever!!

Stephen said...

Superman as the Music Man?

Morrison alteady did that with Final Crisis.


SallyP said...

Awww...I LIKE Sonar's costume! It so very very...Ruritanian or something.

I'm not too thrilled with the way that Superman's cape now seems to be coming directly out of his collar bones however. And yes, that IS a huge "S".

notintheface said...

I'm talking 'bout TROUBLE
(I'm talking 'bout trouble)
Right here in Metropolis
(Right here in Metropolis)
With a capital "T"
And that rhymes with "Z"
And that stands for ZOD!
(That stands for Zod!)

Stephen, what have you DONE???

notintheface said...

My prediction is that the "S" size will depend on the artist, just as it did pre-reboot.

Lee's obviously forgotten that the cape is the reason WHY the old suit never had a collar.

But I'm surprised you didn't mention one of the worst things about the new outfit: Those DAMN SLEEVES. What are those, forearm guards? What the hell does SUPERMAN need FOREARM GUARDS for???

Stephen said...

I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such films as Jason Todd Doesn't Live Any More and Darkseid and Darkseid: Attorneys At Law.

You know...I've got a great idea for public transportation here in Metropolis. Actually...nahh...its probably more of a Gotham City idea...


If they fix the SS collar, ensmallen the shield, change the belt buckle pointing to Little Kal El, I won't mind the lines and wrist thingies. Ancient Krypton fashion you know...

But if the suit is armor or it powers over. They would just be trying to hornswoggle the Siegel an Shuster folks. And I won't abide hornswoggling.

Plus I worry the stories are just going to outlame JMS's The Man Of Do Nothing epic.